Thursday, December 31, 2015


Well, this did not get very far.  I got hung up on some figures and it just dropped into the abyss.  Ah well, now for an interlude, although none is really needed, of that most practical of home chemistry: cooking.  I tend to have pancakes for breakfast and have been playing with variations for a nice, hardy style.  Being a bit lazy, it comes from a mix.  So, first I have to make the mix.  This amount fits in a 1 liter jar.

2 cups flour
2/3 cups corn meal (somewhat finely ground)
1/3 cup ground flax seed
1/3 cup dried buttermilk (optional)
1/3 cup cashew meal
3 teaspoons baking powder

I suppose since they have corn meal they are actually flapjacks.  Drop it all in the jar and give it a shake.  Cashew meal is available from Trader Joes, but only seasonally.  Unsalted raw cashews can be placed in a food processor for something a bit like it.  Try to get it quite small.  Counter-intuitively, they seem to make the pancakes a bit more fluffy in texture.  (This has not been tested in any reasonably scientific manner.)

To use this mix for pancakes, use:

1 egg, beaten very, very well
2/3 cup mix
1/2 to 2/3 cup milk, depending on preference

It can be quite good to add fruit.  I have added blueberries or a thin sliced tart apple or a banana.  For bananas, it is not enough just to squish them a bit, but stir the result until it starts to look smooth.

Mix and place in a heated skillet, medium heat, and let cook until they start to set.  This is when bubbles pop and the depression remains.  Flip and cook until brown.  Top with a favorite syrup and down while hot.

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